Some campuses find that extra guidance is useful. Therefore, we have compiled a list of typical services available through consulting agreements.
Services are related to implementing the comprehensive strategy:
1. Assessment of Programs- A detailed accounting of current campus programs analyzing the existing AOD prevention activities to determine their scope and breadth. The analysis will include recommendations for program modification and additions to implement a truly comprehensive strategy. This service will utilize existing campus worksheets.
2. Comprehensive Strategy Workshop- A half-day to full-day training session on the Comprehensive Strategy and its implementation. This workshop is designed for campus AOD prevention coordinators, prevention specialists, as well as administrators of campus departments charged with AOD relevant activities.
3. Drug Free Schools Act Biennial Report- The Comprehensive Strategy can be a very good organizing structure for the Biennial Report required under the Drug Free Schools Act. We can show you how to structure the report using our model.
4. Program Evaluation Design- Research is an integral part of the Comprehensive Strategy. However, it seems that often campus AOD prevention programs go unevaluated, or are initiated without sufficient initial research grounding. We can offer varying levels of evaluation services.